An Eco manifest.

Less is more. More with less. Less with less.


Overconsumption together with disproportional inequalities make up a global society a long way from being sound. Rights to health, security, education and livelihood are light windily set aside by rights to property as soon as the consequences affect consumer prices or other corrupt interests. Not even the climate treats us as equals, when catastrophes attach little attention where the consequences are most severe. Can climate be solved without solving the problems concerning equality?

Even in the rich fortresses of the world problems exist. Unemployment, lack of housing, depression, inequalities and a segregation of the rich from the poor. Can we fix unemployment in the same time as we fix the problem of over consuming natural resources?

Capitalism proclaims to have the answers to some of these issues, but the answers to our climate are vague. In the same time we see the rise of a middle class in China and India - countries earlier considered poor now rise as a consequence (?) of global capitalism. Being in the same time "the good, the bad and the ugly."


The industrial revolution shifted a population of farmworkers to industrial workers. Will we today see a similar shift minimizing the number of production workers to the smallest needed? Our will more people produce less? Specialization still seems to be a driving force of the economy, favoring large markets such as the metropolises, where the increasing expectations and demands of the stakeholders still can be met. Can consumption of resources be replaced by a consumption of services and knowledge on these markets?

What happens then where the market is not sufficient enough? In the rural, the small-town or suburbia? Is this places where another forms of economies are possible or even forced? Learning from Detroit.

Pleasure and comfort.

Comfort by infrastructures; media, climate control, screens, transportation, objects.


Pleasure by interaction; Physical, salons of the bourgeois, environment, sport, games, activities.


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